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Entrepreneurship Competencies Training
You want to help young people to develop their entrepreneurship skills and have a task ahead of you: how to design a training course. You have some content in mind, but you are not quite sure what areas to include, what sequence to go through or even where to start. Because there are so many things you need to consider, it can suddenly feel overwhelming. The task feels immense. This can be off putting to many and it is inevitable that some resistance and procrastination kicks in. Below we provide strategy to make the process of course design easy and approachable.
History has shown us that human beings, like trees in an old forest, tend to thrive best when they grow in the presence of those who have gone before them. In Greek mythology, Athena, the goddess of wisdom, assumed the form of Mentor to look after and guide Telemachus, son of Odysseus, who had left home to fight in the Trojan war. The account of Mentor in The Odyssey points to several conclusions about the activity which bears Mentor?s name (Anderson & Shannon, 1982). First, mentoring is an intentional process. Second, mentoring is a nurturing process that fosters the development of the protege towards his full potential. Third, mentoring is an insightful process in which the wisdom of the mentor is acquired and applied by the beneficiary.
Innovative Methods: Tools For Social Entrepreneurship
Speed Date - interaction about entrepreneurship Wrong Thinking Developing a creative Business idea through Disney Creativity Strategy The Business Model Canvas Successful Business Ideas in your area Assessment of Your Business Field and Type
Discover resources and techniques to help mentors and coaches unlock full potential of Young Entrepreneurs
Entrepreneurship Competencies Training
Training Program Design
Roles In The Process
Participants Motivation
Tips For Trainers
Roles In The Process
Tips For Trainers
Training Program Design
Participants Motivation
Entrepreneurship Competencies Training
Entrepreneurship Competencies Training
Participants Motivation
Training Program Design
Tips For Trainers
Roles In The Process
Participants Motivation
Tips For Trainers
Roles In The Process
Training Program Design
Entrepreneurship Competencies Training
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